Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011
“Nobody likes me” is a commong complaint in middle childhood, when children tend to be popularity conscious. But when these words were addressed to a school principal by an 8-year old boy in florida whose classmate had accused him of stealing from the teacher’s purse, it was a danger signal. The boy vowed that he would never return to school and he never did. Two days later, he hanged him self by a belt from the top rail of his bunk bed.
Fortunately, depressed children rarely go to such lengths, though suicideamong young people is on the increase. How can we tell the difference between a harmless period of the “blues” (which we all experience at times) and a major affective disorder that is, a disorder of mood? The basic symptoms of an affective disorder are similar from childhood, by some features are age-spesific (9dsm III-r, 1987)
Friendlessness is only one sign of childhood depression. This disorder is also characterized by inability to have fun or to concentrate, and by and absence of normal emotional reactions. Depressed children are frequently tired, extremely active, or inactive. They walk very little, cry a great deal, have trouble concentrating, sleep to much or too little, lose their appetite, start doing poorly in school, look unhappy, complain of physical ailments, feel overwhelmingly guilty, suffer severe separation anxiety (which may take the form of the school phobia), or think often about death or suicide. Any four or five of these symptoms may support a diagnosis of depression, especially when they represent a marked change from the child’s usual pattern. Parents do not always recognize “minor” problems like sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, and irritability as signs of depression, but children themselves are often able to describe how they feel.
No one is sure of the exact cause of depression in children or adults. There is some evidence for a biochemical predisposition, which may be trigged by specific experiences. Depression school age-children are children likely to lack social and academic competence, but it is not clear whether incompetence causes depression or vice versa. The parents or depressed children are morelikely to be depressed themselves, suggesting a possible genetic factor, a reflection of general stress in ill families, or the result of poor parenting practices by disturbed parents.
Complaint : keluhan
Address : menunjukan
Accuse : menuduh
Stealing : mencuri
Vow : berjanji
Features : ciri-ciri
Suicide : bunuh diri
Appetite : nafsu makan
Ailments : penyakit
Trigger : menyebabkan
Vice versa : sebaliknya
Predisposition : kecendrungan
Disturb : mengganggu
Lack : kekurangan
Inability : kemampuan
Overwhelming : berlimpahan
Recognize : mengenali
Represent : menghadirkan
Evidence : bukti
Exercise 1
1. What happen when 5-year old children say “Nobody likes me”?
They will come and tell to their parents
2. What happen when 10-year old children say “Nobody likes me”?
Actually they will afraid to going to school to see their friends
3. What will the children do when they get depression?
The children will get stress and probably they will suicide them self
4. Why do the children get depression?
When they feel friendlessness because they got accused by their friends
5. When the children are accused by their friends, will they get depression?
Yes they will, because in deep inside of their heart or their mentality won’t accept it. they are just 5 years old.
6. What is (are) the symptom (s) of childhood depression?
Any four or five of these symptoms may support a diagnosis of
depression, especially when they represent a marked change from the child's
usual pattern. Parents do not always recognize "minor" problems like sleep
disturbances, loss of appetite, and irritability as signs of depression, but
children themselves are often able to describe how they feel.
depression, especially when they represent a marked change from the child's
usual pattern. Parents do not always recognize "minor" problems like sleep
disturbances, loss of appetite, and irritability as signs of depression, but
children themselves are often able to describe how they feel.
7. What happens to the parents when their children get depression?
They try to help their child to give them a good advices
Psychology studies the activities of individual .The science of human behaviors is actually a group of sciences .On one side we find psychology investigating the organs and cells that do the work of the organism ,and the other side we see the social sciences studying nations and groups of mankind. There is room for a middle science that shall focus its attention on the individual. That middle science is psychology. Psychology studies the individual's activities through-out his span of life, from the beginning before birth, up through the end of life .During this life history, the Man remains the same individual, although his behavior shows continuity along whit
Exercise 1
Answer Exercise 1
5. On one side we find psychology investigating the organs and cells that do the work of
6. When someone's dead
Psychology studies the activities of individual .The science of human behaviors is actually a group of sciences .On one side we find psychology investigating the organs and cells that do the work of the organism ,and the other side we see the social sciences studying nations and groups of mankind. There is room for a middle science that shall focus its attention on the individual. That middle science is psychology. Psychology studies the individual's activities through-out his span of life, from the beginning before birth, up through the end of life .During this life history, the Man remains the same individual, although his behavior shows continuity along whit
many changes. Psychology. Compares children and adults ,the normal and the abnormal and the human and the animal. It is interested in the differences between one individual and another, and still more interested, if possible, in the general laws of activity including event of very different individuals-laws, for example, of growth learning, thinking and emotion. Psychology can be defined as the science of the individual's activities.
The word "activity" is used here in a broad sense .It includes not only motor activities like walking and speaking but also cognitive (knowledgegetting) activities like seeing ,hearing ,remembering ,thinking ,and other emotional activities like laughing and crying, or feeling happy or sad. These last may seem passive, because they are activities, for they depend on the life of the organism .Any manifestation of life can be called an activity .No matter how passive an individual may seem to himself in watching a game or listening to music, he is really carrying on an activity. The only way to be completely in active is to be dead.
Behavior : tingkah laku
Attention : perhatiaan
Mankind : orang
Remains : tetap
Defined : diartikan, didefinisikan
Manifestation : perwujudan
Investigatin : menyelidiki
Nation : bangsa
Although : walaupun/meskipun
Continuity : kelancaran
compares : bandingkan
defined : digambarkan/ditetapkan/dirumuskan
Answer these following questions !
1. What is psychology ?
2. Name some individual activities.
3. Give example(s) of motor, cognitive, and emotional activities.
4. Is listening to music a kind activity ?why ?Why not?
5. What is meant by: the science of human behavior is actually a group of sciences?
6. When do we call an individual completely inactive?
7. The word "activity" is used in a very broad of sense .What does it mean?
8. What kind of activity is happening when you write a letter to your girl or boy friend?
9. Why do we study human behavior?
10. What causes the differences between individuals?
Answer Exercise 1
1. Psychology is the study of human behavior in relation to the environment.
2. Writing, Sleeping, and Driving.
3. Motor activities: Walking, Speaking, and Running.
Cognitive activities: Seeing, Hearing, and Thinking.
Emotional activities: Crying, Laughing, and Mad.
4. Listening to music is a kind of activity, because no matter how passive it is, he/she
really carrying on an activity.
5. On one side we find psychology investigating the organs and cells that do the work of
the organism ,and the other side we see the social sciences studying nations and
groups of mankind. 6. When someone's dead
7. Activity in the sense widely is a series of processes and behaviors such as walking,
talking, crying, laugh.not only motorik but also cognitive.
8. It’s a motor activity
9. We must study human behavior because we can know the nature-human nature itself
and the idea that every human has different properties depending on environmental
and social.
10. It causes of growth, learning, environment, thinking and emotion.
unit 4
How I Wish I Weren't Shy !
Preview the topic
How many times have you felt angry whit your self because you were too
shy to speak up when you really wanted to have to conversation whit others
person ? Are parties times for standing in the corner and watching others
chat and dance - afraid to join them ? Do you listen to discussions but do
not give your opinions because you think you are not smart enough ? Do
you WIsh you be friendly but don't know how? All these thoughts lead to
unhappy feelings.
This kind of unhappiness comes about not because other people are
trying to hurt us. We make this unhappiness for ourselves . Naturally we
really don't to hurt ourselves, but often we group up thinking we are not as
good as others- we are inferior; everyone is better, smarter, and more
interesting. These negative thoughts make us shy . Why do we do this to
ourselves? Only a psychologist can discover the reasons . It is interesting to
note that very large numbers of people are shy. There is , however good
news . If we want to get rid of shyness , it can be done.
We can help ourselves be rid of shyness. Nobody is perfect and
everybody has good qualities. Is it fair to pay attention to our imperfections
and overlook our good qualities ? Definitely not! The following suggestions
may be helpful in reducing shyness:
1. First, understand that you cannot eliminate shyness overnight. It is a
slow process that you must work in gradually .
2. Think about situations when being shy is most painful. Perhaps your
biggest problem is making small talk with a stranger at a party . In that
case , prepare yourself whit some interesting current news to talk about
The weather is a topic often used for starting conversations.
3. Getting the other person to talk about himself/ herself is a clever idea.
Many people enjoy talking about themselves - or giving their opinions.
For example, you can say something like, "I notice you like modern
jewelry; your rings are very unusual. Did you design them yourself?"
This can be the start of a friendship.
4. Whenever you begin making negative comparisons between yourself
and others , force yourself to stop doing that immediately . Take your
thoughts of yourself. Observe others and think of a compliment with
which to start a conversation with someone.
5. If you are shy at work where there are many coworkers, choose the
least intimidating person to the perhaps have coffee with or make casual small talk with.
6. Knows that if in effort to socialize sometimes is unsuccessful, it
happens to everyone now and then. Feel proud of yourself for making the
7. If you are required to give a report to a group, tell them that you feel
nervous. This feeling is quite natural , and everyone can sympathize.
Expressing that the group will make you feel better.
8. Think about your good qualities and believe that you are as good as
anyone else .... Because you are!
9. Take a course in developing self- confidence or read books on the
Life is much more enjoyable for people who are not shy.
Exercise 1
1. Is it difficult for you to ask strangers for the directions or information ?
Answer : No, because if we need some information or direction, we don’t be shy to ask strangers the information or direction.
2. Do you let others make decision for you because you are afraid to speak up ?
Answer : No, we must be brave to speak up for our self.
3. When you are with people who talk with others easily , do you wish you were able to do that ?
Answer : Yes, we wish we were able to do that. Because, we can get a motivation and try to walk with other easly.
4. In what situations do you feel Shy and uncomfortable ?
Answer : we feel shy and uncomfortable if we do something wrong and we are in distressed situations.
SINGMUND FREUD (1856-1939)
Sigmund Freud was an Austrian doctor who explored the workings of the human mind .He developed psychoanalysis, which is both a way treating neurosis, or mental disturbances, and a theory of how the mind works. Freud was born in Moravia, now part of Czechoslovakia. When he was four, his family moved to Vienna, Austria. Freud entered the University of Vienna when he was 17.One day he attended a lecture on nature. He was so fascinated that he made up his mind to become a doctor. Freud became interested in diseases of the mind. In 1885, he won a
fellowship to study in Paris under the guidance of a doctor, Jean Martin Chariot, who was famous for his work on this kind of diseases. The next year, Freud returned to Vienna, married, and began to treat diseases of the mind. Freud ha great insight into the human mind .He thought that every person is born whit certain needs, he said, are unconscious - people are not a ware of thinking a bout such needs. Freud named the part of mind controlling these instinctive unconscious needs the id, and said that person's id operates to give pleasure. Freud also said that, as we grow up from infancy, we acquire an ego, a
collection of memories and thoughts that help us deal with the word around us. We continue to grow, and from the teaching of our family and society, we develop a superego- a conscience. Our superego and id often push in opposite ways .Our ego usually reduces this conflict by helping us to get pleasure without "hurting " our conscience. But if a person unconscious thoughts and needs are very strong, they may cause unusual behavior, or neurosis. Freud's treatment for neurosis is psychoanalysis (examination of the mind), a method for uncovering these unconscious thoughts and understanding how they cause problems, Freud thoughts that dreams - even dreams that seem to make no sense- are a very important clue to understanding the mind.
Explore : menyelidiki
Neurosis : ganguan mental Disturbances : gangguan
Fascinated : tertarik, terpesona
Diseases : penyakit
Fellowship : beasiswa
Insight : perhatian, wawasan
Unconscious : tidak sadar
Id : keinginan, nafsu
Ego : tindakan untuk mendapatkan keinginan
Superego : norma (yang mengontrol tindakan/ego)
Pleasure : kesenangan
Infancy : masa kecil
Acquire : mendapatkan
Uncovering : menemukan
Developed : membangun
Thought : berpikir
Lecturer : dosen
Exercise 1
Answer these following questions based on the above text,
1.When was Sigmund Freud born?
He was born in Moravia, now part of Czechoslovakia on 1856
2. How old did he die?
He died when he was 83 years old
3.What was he concerned whit?
He was concerned with explored the working of human mind
4.When did he join University? What major did he study?
When he was 17. The major he did study was a doctor ( diseases of mind )
5.Why did he want to be a doctor?
Because he was so fascinated that he made his mind up to become a doctor
6.Who is jean martin chariot?
Jean Martin, who was famous for his work on this kind of diseases
7. According to Freud, food and drink are unconscious needs .Why did he say so?
Freud said food and drink are unconscious needs because every person is born with certain needs, he said, are unconscious-people are not aware of thinking about such needs. Freud named the part of mind controlling these instinctive unconscious need the id, and Freud said that person’s id operate to give pleasure.
8. These needs, he sad, are unconscious - people are no aware of thinking
about such needs. What does "dash" (-)" mean? Explain what unconscious is
9. Mention the examples of conscious needs and don't forget to explain each.
Nature is what we are consciously aware at certain times, such as direct sensing, memory, thoughts
10. What do id, ego, and superego mean? Explain by giving examples of each?
Id = a wish or longing
EXAMPLE : an increase in hunger or thirst should produce an immediate attempt to eat or drink
superego = something which controlling an act
EXAMPLE : warn and ban because the food was not hers, taking items that do not belong is not good or sinful.
go = an act to get desire
EXAMPLE : started to organize themselves. His position became difficult, ego-driven id (lust) to satisfy immediate needs (eating food) in any way, while the super-ego forbade him to act because of its moral basis.
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